Friday, 16 December 2016

Ricky Challenge 7

It took us a few weeks, but Ricky did finally succeed at Challenge 6 and is now working his way through Challenge #7.  On this challenge, he has to differentiate between two lit touchpads and pick the one that is brightest, so it is important that this is in a dim room where he can see the difference in the lights easily, so this sometimes means keeping the blinds closed.  Also, according to what I have picked up on the Explorers Forum, the Hub will be doing some experimenting with the dog at this challenge level to determine what level of brightness difference they can differentiate, which will help inform how it plays future challenges.  So I expect this one to take a wee while, as well, especially as Ricky's impatience still means he does a bit of double touching that affects his success at each play.

In other news, my behavior vet seems to have found a suitable anti-anxiety medication for Kate.  We've been on it for about two months now and have really noticed a difference.  She is much more playful with toys and the other dogs than she has been in ages, is eating very reliably, and overall seems to have a whole new lease on life! Here she is playing with one of the dog toys while Ricky is occupied with his Hub and Ali is waiting for a rally-o training session.

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