Sunday, 6 November 2016

Pre-clever pet practice

We've started some pre-hub practice with some precision targeting to make sure Ricky has the gist of "touch the indicated small round shape and get food from the big round shape", which is the basis for how the hub communicates (interact with the buttons, get food from the central dispenser).  I conveniently have a few pottles of differently flavored lip balms (so we get some scent engagement, as well) and a container of hand cream.  I'm just working on touching the two balms as having a third object to actively touch would probably be a bit ambitious. Having it there as just a nul object may even be a bit advanced for this being only our third session, but Ricky is always up for a cognitive challenge!  This is only our third session, so I don't think it will take us many more until he's competent distinguishing between the lip balms and we can activate the third object.  He's certainly keen to try to include it himself!  I'm a little rusty with the clicker as I've mostly been using verbal bridges with Ali, so it's probably taking us a little longer to advance as my timing isn't quite as good as I would like, but as with anything that will improve with practice.  I'm also finding a bit of challenge in making sure I give him time to think about the cue and attempt to figure it out before I re-cue.  I so want to help him get it right!   Ricky is having such fun with the process--love how he literally smacks the "mint" balm after one of the cues!

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